Sunday 8 June 2008


Dear London,

We need to talk. Last night you had me in bed by 11:30pm. Now, I don’t know what kind of thoughts are running through your debauchery-ridden mind, but before I start getting some sort of horrid, reprehensible reputation, I need to set the record straight. You really should know that I’m just not that kind of girl.

11:30pm on a Saturday and I’m back in for the night. Hair in a ponytail, dressed in my silk sheep-print pajamas, propped up against a pile of merlot pillows, reading through my emails and sipping tea. Of course, just to ensure that I get the full effect of you and your pal the universe giving me the finger, I seem to have email upon email of ‘wish you were’ messages touting shopping, patios, swimming, cocktails, and the like, accompanied by a series of text messages popping up throughout the night, with the kind of progressive misspellings and incohereny indicative of a wild night at the Blue Bamboo.

I know you’re commonly known as an “insider’s city,” but really, darling, it’s been almost eight months. Aren’t you ready to let me in yet? This tea sipping, correspondence on weekends just won’t do anymore. I have no interest in hearing the mocking and pitying drawls of, “it’s so nice to have those weekends sometimes”. Yes, it is admittedly very nice sometimes, and those times are more commonly grouped together and referred to as “retirement”.

A recent chat with a friend who doesn’t live in the U.K., but periodically passes through on business cemented how much you’re shunning me, London. “So what are we going to do when I’m in town?” says the friend. A slight wave of panic washes over me. “Shopping?” I tentatively suggest, as his penchant for Hermes ties flashes through my mind. Friend proceeds to excitedly rattle off his list of preferred Bond Street and Mayfair boutiques and I listen thoughtfully. “Maybe you should be showing me around” I meekly suggest. This seems to be well received, and the next thing I know I’m being recommended the hot new Japanese steakhouse in town. Although I don’t eat meat, I’m assured the chef will be willing to whip up something for me. At this point I’m hanging my head in shame. Shouldn’t I be making these suggestions instead of frantically trying to jot all this down onto a post-it note with chocolate brown eyeliner?

A few weeks ago, an acquaintance passing through town en route to Europe tells me about her friends who have just moved to my corner of the city. They can't join us for Pad Thai in Portabello Road because they’re dining at Nobu in Canary Wharf. I self-consciously rub my forehead, where I’m sure the slight tingling can be attributed to the words “social pariah” which have been imprinted there with a cattle branding iron.

Since arriving, I seem to have become destined to be your pathetic tag-along. The girl whose social life has all the sparkle and lustre of the gently-battered lace ballet flats she steps into for schlepping around the city when it seems wasteful to bother with pretty shoes. After all, if a four inch black patent Steve Madden heel clicks on the cobblestones and no one’s around, does it make a sound?

London, my darling, I’m more than a little disheartened by you constantly pulling the velvet rope closed in front of me and leaving me out in the cold. Rather, I would be, if I were close enough to the velvet rope to be able to see it. Although, I’m sure one of my out of town friends could inform me of its precise location.

Disheartened as I am, I’m not quite ready to give up on you yet. However, if I’m not too busy and preoccupied with a rigorous social agenda to be penning you an entirely different letter in the coming months, and our troubles with intimacy haven’t dissipated, I fear we may be destined to part ways.

Let me in, or I’m getting the hell out.


Snubbed, disgruntled, and in bed drinking tea.


Unknown said...

Aw, Sweetie, I'm sure you and London will be getting along swimmingly in no time.

I'm still discovering the little ins and outs of TO and I couldn't possibly recommend a good steakhouse to anyone (other than the one my roommate works at, but it's a chain so it doesn't count).

More importantly, I definitely will be relying on you to show me around London (otherwise I'll end up lost in the tube).

Don't break up yet. Maybe seek counseling?

Todd said...

and those times are more commonly grouped together and referred to as “retirement”. HA - nice. :)

A co-worker asked me today where she should go for dinner with her family - cheap but nice. I said Springrolls. I don't know any restaurants, so that is what I suggested. lol. She seemed happy with my choice until I admitted to her that I didn't really know restaurants here. So even though she likes Springrolls as well, she opted for someone with more knowledge.

And since you're the tag-along girl, everyone is going to see you everywhere with lots of different people. You look so popular, yes?

My advice - fake it 'til you make it. ;)

Strawberry Blondie said...

Maggie -- I'm sure you're right and in time London and I will cultivate a more loving and monogamous relationship. Until then, I may have to sneak back to TO for the odd little illicit tryst. ;-)

It's frightening that you're relying on me to navigate! Actually, I've got the tube down pretty comfortably. Well, better than most other metro systems I've encountered (although that isn't saying much!)

You definitely know some good places in TO - Fresh leaps to mind. Speaking of good places in TO - is Sassafraz up and running again these days? I remember it burning down in recent memory.

Todd -- Your Springrolls recommendation killed me! I love that you suggested it *before* telling her that you didn't really know any restaurants there.

Excellent job putting a postive spin on my lameness as the tag-along girl -- I will continue to fake it until I crack into the elusive London clique!

For the record, I miss our dinners in TO, even if some of them were at greasy little spoons. :-)

Allison said...

Todd - I haven eaten at Springrolls and rather enjoyed it. Nothing fancy, but within the budget. ;)

I'm not going to send you anymore text messages.

To echo everywhere else here, and as I've said to you myself, it just takes time and I think things will be much smoother for you once you find a job closer to where you live and can start enjoying this new thing we like to call "the evening". The in-between is shitty, I know but it will get better. :)

Unknown said...

Well I would hope after a year and a half I might know a few hidden gems. ;)

Sassafraz has been up and running for a while now - though I'm sure I'll never be able to afford to eat there.

I did, however, find my dream neighbourhood. I'll show it to you when you come visit me. I actually had a moment that fit very well with your last blog in which I could totally see my future dream apartment. Scary.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Those weekends are very nice when you are in the mood for them and when the choice is yours, and not made by the snooty city who holds you at bay with an outstretched arm and smacks you in the face with the other.

London obviously does not know who she is dealing with here, or she would be bending over backwards to court you.

Strawberry Blondie said...

Allison – I know, I know. When I rediscover the wonders of “the evening” instead of the wonders of sitting on a train between work and sleepy time, things shall improve.

In the meantime, just allow me some time to wallow in my melodramatic self pity. ;-)

Barbara -- This…” the snooty city who holds you at bay with an outstretched arm and smacks you in the face with the other” is quite possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever read. I love it!

I think London’s good at playing hard to get – I may have to swallow my pride and be the one to do the courting this time around.